From The RadioReference Wiki
Nospam wrote in message. On Tue, 03 Feb 2004 21:51:31 GMT, wrote: FYI: There is a Radio Shack Pro-2006 police scanner for sale on eBay. Ntlite keygen serial. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Realistic Radio Shack Pro-2006 PRO2006 400 Channel Scanner With Mods at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Torrent intericad lite full version free download.
Tiny toon game for windows 7. What undocumented keypad hacks have been discovered?
- Please see the Uniden scanner test modes article
How do I view the frequencies used in the Service Searches?
- Open the squelch (set to 0)
- Do a Search and Store on the service
- Make sure max store is max (256) and let it run for a while. You will get a Found Channels group with all the frequencies
- Note that there are more than 256 frequencies in all the service searches; you will have to do this more than once to get them all
- 396XT Service Search Frequencies
- Note: These may be different in other models (T and XT versions). Corrections solicited
Scanner Pro Pdf Scanner
- 30.8400 461.3625 463.6875 466.1375 468.2375
- 31.2400 461.3875 463.7125 466.1625 468.2625
- 33.1400 461.4125 463.7375 466.1875 468.2875
- 33.1600 461.4375 463.7625 466.2125 468.3125
- 33.4000 461.4625 463.7875 466.2375 468.3375
- 35.0200 461.4875 463.8125 466.2625 468.3625
- 35.0400 461.5125 463.8375 466.2875 468.3875
- 35.1200 461.5375 463.8625 466.3125 468.4125
- 35.8800 461.5625 463.8875 466.3375 468.4375
- 35.9600 461.5875 463.9125 466.3625 468.4625
- 42.9800 461.6125 463.9375 466.3875 468.4875
- 151.6100 461.6375 463.9625 466.4125 468.5125
- 151.6250 461.6625 463.9875 466.4375 468.5375
- 151.6550 461.6875 464.0125 466.4625 468.5625
- 151.6850 461.7125 464.0375 466.4875 468.5875
- 151.7000 461.7375 464.0625 466.5125 468.6125
- 151.7150 461.7625 464.0875 466.5375 468.6375
- 151.7450 461.7875 464.1125 466.5625 468.6625
- 151.7600 461.8125 464.1375 466.5875 468.6875
- 151.7750 461.8375 464.1625 466.6125 468.7125
- 151.8050 461.8625 464.1875 466.6375 468.7375
- 151.8200 461.8875 464.2125 466.6625 468.7625
- 151.8350 461.9125 464.2375 466.6875 468.7875
- 151.8650 461.9375 464.2625 466.7125 468.8125
- 151.8800 461.9625 464.2875 466.7375 468.8375
- 151.8950 461.9875 464.3125 466.7625 468.8625
- 151.9250 462.0125 464.3375 466.7875 468.8875
- 151.9400 462.0375 464.3625 466.8125 468.9125
- 151.9550 462.0625 464.3875 466.8375 468.9375
- 154.5150 462.0875 464.4125 466.8625 468.9625
- 154.5400 462.1125 464.4375 466.8875 468.9875
- 154.5700 462.1375 464.4625 466.9125 469.0125
- 154.6000 462.1625 464.4875 466.9375 469.0375
- 154.6250 462.1875 464.5000 466.9625 469.0625
- 169.4450 462.5500 464.5125 466.9875 469.0875
- 169.5050 462.5625 464.5375 467.0125 469.1125
- 170.2450 462.5750 464.5500 467.0375 469.1375
- 170.3050 462.5875 464.5625 467.0625 469.1625
- 171.0450 462.6000 464.5875 467.0875 469.1875
- 171.1050 462.6125 464.6125 467.1125 469.2125
- 171.8450 462.6250 464.6375 467.1375 469.2375
- 171.9050 462.6375 464.6625 467.1625 469.2625
- 457.5250 462.6500 464.6875 467.1875 469.2875
- 457.5500 462.6625 464.7125 467.5375 469.3125
- 457.5750 462.6750 464.7375 467.5500 469.3375
- 457.6000 462.7000 464.7625 467.5625 469.3625
- 460.6625 462.7125 464.7875 467.5750 469.3875
- 460.6875 462.7250 464.8125 467.5875 469.4125
- 460.7125 462.7625 464.8375 467.6000 469.4375
- 460.7375 462.7875 464.8625 467.6125 469.4625
- 460.7625 462.8125 464.8875 467.6250 469.4875
- 460.7875 462.8375 464.9125 467.6375 469.5000
- 460.8125 462.8625 464.9375 467.6500 469.5125
- 460.8375 462.8875 464.9625 467.6625 469.5375
- 460.8625 462.9125 464.9875 467.6750 469.5500
- 460.8875 463.2125 465.6625 467.7000 469.5625
- 460.9125 463.2375 465.6875 467.7125 469.5875
- 460.9375 463.2625 465.7125 467.7250 469.6125
- 460.9625 463.2875 465.7375 467.7500 469.6375
- 460.9875 463.3125 465.7625 467.7625 469.6625
- 461.0125 463.3375 465.7875 467.7750 469.6875
- 461.0375 463.3625 465.8125 467.7875 469.7125
- 461.0625 463.3875 465.8375 467.8000 469.7375
- 461.0875 463.4125 465.8625 467.8125 469.7625
- 461.1125 463.4375 465.8875 467.8250 469.7875
- 461.1375 463.4625 465.9125 467.8375 469.8125
- 461.1625 463.4875 465.9375 467.8500 469.8375
- 461.1875 463.5125 465.9625 467.8625 469.8625
- 461.2125 463.5375 465.9875 467.8750 469.8875
- 461.2375 463.5625 466.0125 467.8875 469.9125
- 461.2625 463.5875 466.0375 467.9000 469.9375
- 461.2875 463.6125 466.0625 467.9125 469.9625
- 461.3125 463.6375 466.0875 467.9250 469.9875
- 461.3375 463.6625 466.1125 468.2125 853.4875
Thanks to Stevenme for the procedure and list
Pro 2006 Scanner Hack Software
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Pro 2006 Scanner Hacker
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