Endless Space 2 United Empire Quest

  1. Endless Space 2 Tech Guide
  2. Endless Space 2 United Empire Quest Rewards

In addition to the Standard Edition, Endless Space 2 is available in a Digital Deluxe Edition, which contains the Digital Soundtrack from FlybyNo and cosmetic in-game bonuses inspired by the Pathfinders of the Academy. The United Empire is one of the playable factions available in Endless Space. Ruthless but efficient, it is skilled in both commerce and combat. At the start of the game, the United Empire is beginning interstellar expansion in earnest.

  • Cheat Mode: Vaulters

Put '-enablemoddingtools' (without quotes) in the launch options of the game in Steam (right click on game in library, properties, general tab). Now you can get access to various debug features. Once the modding tools are enabled, you can use the debug features in-game.
Shift+F1 opens a debug menu
Shift+F2 gives you a lot of all resources
Shift+F3 reveals the map
Pressing G activates the 'god cursor' that you can then use to click various elements (resources, ships, gauges etc...) to modify (often increase) their values. Holding Shift, Control or Alt may results in different effects (such as reducing or maxing out values). | Submitted by Neto
  • Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
AchievementHow to unlock
  • 88 MPH!!!
  • As the Riftborn, use a Fold Singularity to keep a fleet moving after warping through a Wormhole.
  • A Small Loan of a Million Dust
  • Gain 1 000 000 Dust, across any number of playthroughs.
  • Absolute Power
  • Complete the United Empire faction lore quest.
  • Ad Astra!
  • Play for 300 turns, across any number of playthroughs.
  • All for One...
  • As Horatio, splice the genes of at least 6 populations in a single game.
  • Am I My Brother's Keeper?
  • Complete the Vodyani faction lore quest.
  • Aurigan Trail
  • Control a trade route leading from your starting star system to the system containing the legendary planet Auriga.
  • Baby Steps
  • Win a game in Sandbox or higher difficulty against AI.
  • Back to School
  • Discover the Academy with a Hero-led fleet.
  • Barely Broke a Sweat
  • Win a game in Serious or higher difficulty against AI.
  • Bow Before Me!
  • Win a Supremacy Victory.
  • Brains Over Brawn
  • Unlock the whole Science and Exploration technology quadrant in a single game.
  • Branching Out
  • Complete the Unfallen faction lore quest.
  • Buying Elections47
  • As the Lumeris, use Dust to help the Pacifist party three times during elections in a single game.
  • By Our Grace You Were Elevated
  • As the Vodyani, leech at least 500 Essence in one turn.
  • By Your Command
  • As the United Empire use your influence to research Liquid Composites and buy a Carrier ship in the same turn.
  • Cash Cow
  • Have 1 system which produces more than 1 000 Dust.
  • Cornering the Market
  • Unlock the whole Economy and Trade technology quadrant in a single game.
  • Corridors of Power
  • Have one city which produces more than 500 Influence.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Delete
  • Win the Academy Quest on the Rejuvenator side.
  • Dice with the Universe
  • Win a Science Victory.
  • Don't Ever Take Sides Against the Family Again
  • Complete the Lumeris faction lore quest.
  • Dust. Powerful Stuff.
  • As the Lumeris, sell 3 of your outposts in a single game.
  • Endless Gamer
  • Play for 10,000 turns, across any number of playthroughs.
  • Endleus Vult!
  • As the Vodyani, destroy another Vodyani's Ark and recover the wreck for yourself.
  • Et Tu, Brute?
  • Use Privateers to secretly attack a fleet or a system belonging to a member of your Alliance.
  • Feel the Glory
  • Win a Wonder Victory.
  • Friends With Benefits
  • Have three mutually beneficial agreements active at the same time between you and another empire.
  • Galaxy2Gether
  • As the Unfallen, assimilate the Eyder minor civilization into your empire.
  • Getting Schooled
  • Level up a Hero to level 10.
  • Graduation Day
  • Level up a Hero to level 20.
  • Harvester
  • Have 1 system which produces more than 1 000 Food.
  • Heroic Patience47
  • Play for 1,000 turns, across any number of playthroughs.
  • Home Is Where the Heart Is
  • Colonize one of each type of planet in one game.
  • I Am the Eternal End
  • Win by eliminating all the other empires.
  • I Did It My Way!
  • Win with a Custom Faction.
  • I Know the Families
  • Win with the Lumeris.
  • I'll Bite Your Legs Off!
  • Win a game never winning a battle.
  • It Will Not End with Fire
  • Win with the Unfallen.
  • Just Warming Up
  • Win a game in Normal or higher difficulty against AI.
  • King Midust
  • Gain 4 000 000 Dust, across any number of playthroughs.
  • Labs and Fabs
  • Have 1 system which produces more than 1 000 Science.
  • Loremeister
  • Complete all the base game faction lore quests (Sophon, Cravers, Vodyani, Lumeris, United Empire, Horatio, Riftborn and Unfallen)
  • Massively Massive Mass Production
  • Have 1 system which produces more than 1 000 Industry.
  • Maybe It Does Buy Happiness
  • Win an Economic Victory.
  • Numbers. They Don't Lie.
  • Win a Score Victory.
  • Order and Balance
  • Win with the Riftborn.
  • Piece of (True) Cake
  • Win a game in Impossible or higher difficulty against AI.
  • Scrooge McDust
  • Gain 2 000 000 Dust, across any number of playthroughs.
  • Sins of the Fathers
  • Win the Academy Quest on the Defender side.
  • Sophon'd Of Science
  • As the Sophons, research 10 technologies with a 50% Omniscience bonus in a single game.
  • Stellar Utopia
  • Unlock the whole Empire Development technology quadrant in a single game.
  • Still Hungry
  • Win with the Cravers.
  • Strategically Loaded
  • Have 100 of each strategic resource.
  • Strove, Sought, Found, Did Not Yield
  • Win a game in Hard or higher difficulty against AI.
  • The Art of War
  • Unlock the whole Military technology quadrant in a single game.
  • The Cake Was Delicious
  • Complete the Sophons faction lore quest.
  • The Eighth Plague
  • As the Cravers, fully deplete all the planets of 3 systems you captured from your opponents.
  • The Empire's Death Star
  • As the United Empire, destroy a Terran planet by firing a Carrier's Core Cracker.
  • The Final Frontier
  • Be the first to explore 100% of the Galaxy.
  • The Learner Is Now the Master
  • Win a game in Endless difficulty against AI.
  • The Other Clone Wars
  • Complete the Horatio faction lore quest.
  • The Root of the Problem
  • In a single game, invade 5 enemy systems benefiting from being entwined with Unfallen Vines and un-entwine them.
  • The Unstoppable Force
  • Win a Conquest Victory.
  • There Can Be Only Me
  • As Horatio, invade the home system of another Horatio player.
  • They Have Always Been First
  • Win with the Sophons.
  • They Saw Madness - I Found Genius
  • Win with Horatio.
  • Through the Looking Glass
  • As the Riftborn, form an Alliance with 3 non-Riftborn empires.
  • Training Wheels
  • Win a game in Easy or higher difficulty against AI.
  • Tree Huggers
  • As the Unfallen, extend Vines to 5 systems of an empire with whom you have signed a Peace agreement.
  • Virtually Endless
  • Complete the Cravers faction lore quest.
  • Vive la Révolution !
  • Have four laws active at the same time in a game where you've changed your government type and leading party at least once.
  • We Hit Pay Dust!
  • Have 5 Trade Companies that are level 7 or higher.
  • We Will See The Heretic Drown in His Blasphemies
  • Win with the Vodyani.
  • What If There Is No Tomorrow?
  • Complete the Riftborn faction lore quest.
  • Whatever the Cost, Whatever the Effort
  • Win with the United Empire.
  • Yin and Yang
  • As the Sophons, assimilate the Mavros minor civilization by assisting them through a Quest.
  • Get exclusive Endless Space 2 trainers and cheats at Cheat Happens

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Endless Space 2 Tech Guide


TL;DR – A polished and calming take on the 4x genre
Score – 3.5 out of 5 stars

Review –
Several years ago I picked up a new space 4X game called Endless Space. It was from a new developer Amplitude Studios and combined a strategy game with space in a way that I loved. It started a bit rough around the edges but grew into a really solid game. Now when I heard there was a sequel, I was interested but it dropped a bad time, well now I have some time at home thanks to *gestures broadly around* it was a good moment to go back and rectify that.
So to set the scene, Endless Space 2 is a 4X turn-based strategy game. This means that you pick a race like The United Empire, or The Vodyani, or The Hisso, from there you need to eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate. You will do this by building new colonies on Mediterranean or terrain or monsoon planets, researching technologies from the technology web, and probably concurring a neighbour or two.

Endless Space 2 United Empire Quest

The first thing you notice is just how polished everything is with regards to the presentation. The smooth way the ships move around, the presentation of the planets, and the way the probes move through the solar systems. To add to this all the art design is something to behold. Each of the leader and hero portraits is stunning exemplified by the art style that sits somewhere between and painting and a video. While art design is not everything in a game, it does help set a mood and it brings you into this world. This continues with the animated battles, which I will be honest I skipped most of the time, but I did like watching those big conflicts play out. Another area that I cannot praise enough is the musical score, sometimes it is soaring with a choral charge, sometimes it is a single clarinet singing into the night, but it is always amazing.
From my playthroughs, I think it helps if you find a race that you can get into the groove with. After playing around with a few the first one that I liked was The Unfallen. They are a plant species with an almost hive mind and you need to connect systems to your vine network before you can colonise them. But after playing a couple of more races I found an infinity with The Vaulters, they don’t start in a solar system but in a colony ship on its last gasps escaping a dying planet. You only ever had the one colony ship the Argosy, but you can build portals that allow you to warp from one side of your empire to another. This lead to me having these little pockets of awesome around the place that I could jump my fleets to and fro from.

One area where I think you might take it or leave it with the game is the story aspects that are sometimes inspired and sometimes more than a little odd. Everything about this game is about building this universe and this world, a world built on the ruins of the one that came before (The Endless). This makes it a really interesting setting with every tooltip providing more lore to dive into this world. Lore that is also found in their of their Endless games. A lot of this is shown through the different quest you can get throughout the game where you get to pick of two or three different options that can give you different bonuses and shape the face of your empire. However, you can have so many different quests going at the same time that it can be hard to keep track and some of the plot lines, especially around The Academy that gets dense and hard to parse.
When you are jumping into a game that has had several expansions, it can be hard to work out all the different new features on top of everything that has been added to the base game. I had played the first Endless Space, so I think that gave me a leg up before diving in that was helpful. One area that did take a couple of games to properly work out was the Tech web and how it all worked and that you could pick your own techs rather than the suggested. However, one area that I have yet to master/understand/parse is the hacking minigame and I started just ignoring it at some point in my playthroughs.

In the end, do we recommend Endless Space 2? Yes, yes we would. It is a beautifully produced world and game and if you like strategy games then you have a lot of fun with this. I will say that it is a bit slower-paced than a lot of similar games so don’t go in expecting it to be Sins of a Solar Empire or even Stellaris. But if you like a world expanding before you as you slowly take over a galaxy, then this is a game for you.

Endless space 2 wiki

Endless Space 2 United Empire Quest Rewards

By Brian MacNamara: You can follow Brian on Twitter Here, when he’s not chatting about Movies and TV, he’ll be talking about International Relations, or the Solar System.
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Endless Space 2 ?, let us know what you thought in the comments below, feel free to share this review on any of the social medias and you can follow us Here. Check out all our past reviews and articles Here, and have a happy day.
Credits – All images were created by the staff of Endless Space 2
Creative Direction –
Romain de Waubert de Genlis
Production Direction –
Mathieu Girard
Game Design –
Maxence Voleau
Narrative Director – Jeffery Spock
Art Director –
Corinne Billion
Sound Design –
Benjamin Michanaud
Voice Acting –
Alice Retif, Elisabeth Saydah, Steven Barnum, Rupa Krishan, Ian Russel, Lucas Schuneman, Richard Man, John Cavanagh, Jeff Bateman, Nicolas Mead, Georges Robinson, Bryan Olson, Chloé Hollings, David Richter & Linda Lee
Developer – Amplitude Studios
Publisher – Sega