Create Barcode In Excel

  • Attempting to do this with Code 128 barcodes will fail. Because I recently had reason to generate Code 128 barcodes, I felt it would be valuable to publish my methodology, which relies on the work of several other people. Follow these steps in order to create your own Code 128 barcode generator in Excel: Step 1.
  • Open the Excel spreadsheet with the barcode data (e.g. A list with article numbers) or create your own list. Open the TBarCode Panel. Mark the cells with the barcode data. Select the barcode type (e.g.
  • Is it possible to set the tilde option to “true” in this program? The barcodes generated scan well for the data that is in a particular cell. However, I’m trying to create barcodes with Excel data and add in the function. If I simply add “009” to the excel cell, the barcode will encode these as human readable characters and not the key.

The Excel Barcode Add-In is used to create not only a single Code 128 barcode image, but also Code 128 barcode lists or tables. Select a column or row of data cells, choose 'CODE 128', and then click 'Generate'. Now, from your worksheet, select the cell in which you want to create a barcode. Enter the value for which you want to create the barcode. Just change the font style from your normal font style to “ IDAutomationHC39M Free Version ”. As soon as you change your font style text will convert into a barcode.

Creating personal catalogs and barcodes is used while accounting in your trade business. There are scanners for their subsequent reading. And you can create with the help of software products developed specifically for Excel. And they can be created with the help of software products developed specifically for Excel.

How to make a bar code in Excel?

You can create a barcode generator in Excel in many ways: using a macro, ActiveX tool and developed modules. Consider the example of one of the specialized products. It is absolutely free. Therefore, it is impossible to appraise this article as an advertising one.

The easiest way is to install the barcode fonts in Windows and then they will be available in Excel in the 'Home' - 'Font' panel.

A couple of barcode fonts can be downloaded at the end of the article.

You can also download this add-on go to for adding barcodes in Excel or Word.

Make sure that Visual Basic is available in Excel before you begin. And all restrictions for macros are removed in the security settings.

  1. Go to In the list of free products find 'VBA Macros for Excel & Access'.
  2. Click on the link and download the product to your computer.
  3. The program is downloaded as the archive. Unzip the file named ''.
  4. Press Alt + F11 at the same time to open the Visual Basic editor. In the top box click the “File” button. We need to import (CTRL+M) the code downloaded from the Internet.
  5. Find the downloaded file. In the Windows VBA folder select IDAutomation.bas. The imported module adds fonts and functions to the Excel workbook to convert a set of numbers and letters into a barcode.
  6. After import it appears in the 'Modules' folder.
  7. Then you need to exit the Visual Basic editor. Enter the test code in the first cell of the page. In cell A2 enter a test code (for example, 11223344) and click 'DEVELOPER' - 'Macros'.
  8. In the menu that appears, select the macro to generate the 8-digit barcode and press 'execute'.

The next step is to print the barcode from Excel to verify the correct encoding. That is, you can print the codes only when special fonts are used.

Another way to form a barcode is to write a macro (implemented here).

You need to do the following to add a barcode to Excel 2007:

  1. Click the 'FILE' - 'Options' button. In the main parameters - check 'Customize Ribbon'-«DEVELOPER» tab on the band.
  2. The «DEVELOPER» tab. We find the button 'Insert' - 'ActiveX'. Choose 'Other'.
  3. Find Stroke Scribe Object in the menu that appears. Click OK. Draw a rectangle with the mouse anywhere on the page.
  4. A barcode appears. Open the right-click menu. “Properties”. Alphabet is using to select the type of barcode.

You need to write a macro if you want the drawn code becomes operational (adapt according to the inputted user digits).

How to connect a bar code to Excel?

The connection process depends on the scanner model and its capabilities. Sometimes you do not need to do anything. It is enough to connect the scanner to the computer using the 'keyboard connector', and open the Excel workbook (the USB driver of the scanner must be installed).

The scanner does not perceive the barcode as a graphic object. It converts it into a set of numbers. During operation the numeric value read by the device. After this, it’s inserted into the active cell and a line conversion is worked out. The detector sends an 'Enter' character, which causes the cursor to go to the next line.


A big number of scanner models work like a keyboard. The data immediately goes into the active cell of the sheet when you enter the code.

A number of devices require a special add-on: the standard menu does not cope with the task.

When you buy something in a supermarket, you must notice that there’s a barcode on the back of each product. By identifying the barcode, you can get a lot of information such as the manufacturer, name, date, price and so on. Barcodes are now widely used to identify all kinds of information of a wide variety of items. So how are barcodes created? In fact, you don’t need to download any third-party software. Office programs such as Excel and Word can simply generate barcodes for you.

How to Create a Barcode in Excel

1. To create barcodes in Excel, you can create 2 columns at first. One for barcode number and another for the generated barcode.

2. Switch to Developer tab, click Insert in Controls. Harry potter 7 part 2 pc game crack files.

How to create barcode in excel free

Create Barcode In Excel

3. Select the icon of More Controls at the lower-right bottom of the menu.

4. Select Microsoft BarCode Control 16.0 in the popping out window, and click OK to implement it.

5. You mouse will become a small back cross then. Drag it in the cell to generate a barcode.

6. Right-click the barcode and choose Microsoft BarCode Control 16.0 ObjectProperties in the menu.

7. Diseqc test tool manual. You can change the style of barcode here according to your need. Click ApplyOK to confirm the setting.

8. Then click Properties in the right-click menu.

9. Input A2, which is the cell you entered the barcode number, in the textbox of LinkedCell. Then click the close button to quit the Properties window.

Now the barcode is generated correctly.

How to Create a Barcode in Word


1. Switch to Developer tab, click Legacy ToolsMore Controls.

2. Select Microsoft Barcode Control 16.0 and hit OK to insert a barcode in your document.

3. Right-click the generated barcode and choose Microsoft BarCode Control 16.0 ObjectProperties to adjust the barcode style.

4. Then choose Properties in the right-click menu.

5. Enter the barcode number in the textbox of Value. Then click the close button to quit the Properties window.

Create barcode in excel

6. Now the barcode is correctly generated in Word as you need.

How To Create Barcode In Excel In Bengali

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